Saturday, August 16, 2008

Atlas in the Land of the Cyclops

Now you may have been wondering to yourselves, where have they gone? Why hasn't this blog been updated in months? Where'd that wet spot on the floor come from? Etc, etc.

Well, let's just put it this way (to the first two questions anyways) have you ever tried to fix a fifteen year old 28k modem without the proper tools or any idea what you're doing?


Then shut up.

Here's the latest from Uncle Harold's collection, the 1961 "epic" Atlas in the Land of the Cyclops starring some muscle bound Americans who can't act and a bunch of Italians so poorly dubbed that even if they were the local Marlon Brando we wouldn't have a clue.



Boltar Stigmata said...

What can I say?? Not too much so I'll type. Ok...Atlas in the Land of the Cyclops. Riiiight. Take a muscle bound actor who resembles Charleton Heston (kinda, sorta), throw in a wacky assortment of extras with zero acting ability, no script and one is left with....this. The ad libs are the only thing keeping this movie alive. And did anyone notice the cyclops really didn't make an appearance until the last 10 minutes of the flick? I felt sorry for the poor thing. Jeez.

Zach said...

Don't forget that there's nobody actually named Atlas in the movie either.

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh.....I thought that was a reference to how the movie producers were able to find the Land of the Cyclops and they tossed Atlas in to make the title appear more impressive. Ok, I get it now. Thanks!! By the way -- if you're responsible for ad libbing those have GOT to find more to mangle. Great job on a 28K modem......

Zach said...

Yes that's us.

And if you check out the post right below this one, you'll find four more for your perusal.

Boltar Stigmata said...

I viewed them all. Atlas was the last one. Having laughed a lung out, I need more!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting. I stumbled upon your blog via youtube. I got to know Gordon Mitchell, billed for the first and only time as Mitchell Gordon, in his very first film "Atlas in the Land of the Cyclops"
His real name was Charles Pendleton and he lead one hell of a life along with Joe Gold and the old muscle beach crowd. I got to know him in his later years as a painter in Marina Del Rey and I inherited many of his personal items.

I can say without hesitation that he would have loved your blog. Please post the Giant of Metropolis!

Look foward to following your blog.

Lee Turner

Anonymous said...

Forgot to mention the child saved from the lion in the film is Fabio as a child! lol

palestine4ever said...

Okay, since this seems to be dead, I'd love to know who you guys are and any other projects you've done. This is seriously some brilliant shit.